And like all love affairs, there are ups-and-downs. Right now, I feel like I'm in the middle of a down moment. I don't hate Japan and I reckon I probably never will but right now I don't like Japan. I can't necessarily put my finger on it. It's probably just a bunch of nonsense I've created in my own mind, because Lord knows Japan hasn't changed anything it's doing. I suppose that what it boils down to, is that Japan has it's way of doing things and there are times when your level of managing it will fluctuate. I'm at a low point. I have a near-constant scowl on my face and I don't like my surroundings. I honestly think I'm bipolar (undiagnosed), because I rarely have a real reason for feeling the way I do when I'm in my low points, but alas, I refuse to take medication for such a thing. I'll let you all know if I feel there's anything to truly be worried about.
A lot of people, recently, have been asking me what I plan to do in the future. I recently handled some business at the immigration office, renewing my work visa here in Japan, and that led to people inquiring about my plans. I don't really go on record as to saying when I'll be done here in Japan because I honestly don't know myself. I keep telling myself, "Oh, it'll be soon. Anytime now." Yada, yada, yada. But that's just what I end up telling myself when I'm feeling down about being here and would rather be somewhere else. Plus, keeping my mouth shut prevents me from turning into the boy that cries wolf. I don't want to raise (or lower) anyone's hopes by giving them a date that I may not adhere to. So if you haven't gotten a straight answer out of me, well now you know why. I'm still on a financial mission here and I'm slowly, but surely, trying to focus on my Japanese studies. I plan on taking the JLPT (Japanese language proficiency test) this coming December to see if I've made any real progress. So yeah, here's to short-term goals and long-term (paying off debt). I'm in the middle of a funk, but I'll get out of it, as I often do. Summer school starts in two weeks, so I'll have to barrel through that with a smile on my face. I'd hate for my mood to ruin the kids' fun.
Death sauce flavored crackers. Yep, spicy. |
Chocolate baseball bats. Lame. |
My new camera. It rules. |
My new rules too. |
Super spicy yakisoba. Awesome. |
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