That's what you might ponder to yourself after hearing about all the covering I've been doing here since the beginning of the year. I just finished up a full week at one of Ruki's old schools yesterday and I'm really hoping that's the last bit of covering I'll be doing for awhile. I'm thinking that because on July 10th there will be a new NT moving in (no word yet if it's in Ruki's old apartment), and she'll be taking over Ruki's schools. Yay! The new teacher is from America (Go USA!) and that's all the details I have. This past week we also had a staff meeting on Wednesday and I was able to meet the other new NT that came in and took over Marty's old schools. The new guy is Richard, from Manchester, England and he's pretty cool from what I can tell. I don't think he's too happy with his placement and where he's living but as they say, them's the breaks. I just hope these new teachers stick with it past the bumpy transitional period because if they retreat, that leaves me and the other NT's in a crappy spot.
So classes this past week went quite well. The new teacher is fortunate to be taking over there. From my experience, it has no real "trouble" classes, aside from that one on Friday where the girls just give attitude for no reason other then they think they're being cool. But hey, one class out of sixteen for the week is pretty sweet. I've also been a bit under the weather this past week. I can't really say what it is, but I've just been uncomfortable with the occasional headache, bout of nausea and fatigue. The humidity isn't doing much for my condition either. Maybe my body just isn't transitioning very well into Japan's brutal summer. I'm trying to lay off spicy foods and carbonated drinks (as best I can) because I'm getting a lot of heartburn as well. Basically I'm a mess. However, I'm hoping this is a passing thing.
In other news though, I've found someone that I really enjoy talking to. She's incredibly sweet and in line with me mentally on a lot of things and most important of all is that she's lifted my spirit at a time when I really needed it and has become a person that I just look forward to. I'm not saying we're in love or anything that serious, but it's definitely in the air and I'm excited about the potential and possibilities of what may be next. We'll see what happens.
Ethnic Bros. Mexican restaurant. |
Ruki and Rachel. |
How bout these tortilla chips? |
Bueno! |
The mega burrito. |
Old dude's house he turned into a cafe. |
Complete with reading section. |
Cozy. |
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