Let me point out that I haven't been sick, vomited, in years. Seriously, years. This nausea was pretty strong and usually, whenever I feel this way, I can repress it. Deep breathes. However, this was definitely different. I had to sit on the bowl and the next thing I know, vomit is forcing it's way out. Luckily, I have this little bucket close by the toilet. I just had a feeling I'd be needing it and boy did it come in handy. I realize how gross this story is by the way. It's not lost on me. So yeah, this insanity continued and at this point it's nearly 8am. No sleep was had and I knew that I wouldn't be in any shape to teach classes that day. I've been sick before here but I've never called in sick and missed classes. This particular week I was covering (no surprise), for another teacher at their school, so I didn't feel as guilty. My boss was pretty understanding for the most part. I could tell he really would've preferred me to work (as did I), but if he could've seen the horror going on, he would've given in right away. My neighbor, who also happens to be a coworker of mine, was kind enough to bring me some sports drink and light edibles, crackers and that sort. Thank God for her or I would've had to crawl to the store, devoid of energy, shitting myself along the way. I really had no appetite and it was difficult to keep even water down. There's no cure for this virus, as doctors recommend bed rest and drinking plenty of clear fluids.
It took a couple of days before I could even eat a little bit of food. I was mostly living off of a liquid diet of water and sports drink. Truth be told, it took a solid 5 or 6 days before I really felt like myself again. That virus really took me to the mat. So, that's my story and all I can say is that I sincerely hope you or anyone you know doesn't get it. Oh, and I'm aware of the lack of pictures being posted as of late. I've been lazy taking pictures period. I'll try and rectify that.
Strawberry soda. Not great. |
Devil Hot Pringles. Not bad. |